Every year, the Advertising Specialties Institute’s “Ad Impressions Study” provides a fascinating look into the power and effectiveness of branded promotional products. The study is always a must-read, from how many impressions a product receives to which ones are kept the longest. So, what are some of the highlights from the 2023 Ad Impressions Study?
- Consumers Love Branded Swag
First and foremost, consumers prefer branded promotional products over all other forms of advertising. Whether men or women, young or old, or whether they live in the Midwest, the South, or one of the coasts, consumers universally prefer branded promotional products over radio, newspaper, magazine, mobile, television, and Internet advertising. - Made in the USA Wins Again
Moreover, more than half of men (52%) and half of women (56%) say they would feel more favorably toward an advertiser who gave them swag made in the USA. Among the different age groups, the older the consumer, the more preference they gave to such products. - Consumers Want Branded Products That Are Environmentally Friendly
Additionally, nearly half (46%) of consumers say they would feel more favorably toward an advertiser that gave them an environmentally friendly product. This rises to 49% of women. Surprisingly, those aged 55-65 and 65+ were most likely to say they would feel more favorably toward such advertisers — 49% for both groups. This is somewhat of a surprise since we associate the most significant environmental concern with younger buyers. Yet, among those aged 25-34, only 39% gave this answer! - Drinkware Has the Most Staying Power
Furthermore, which branded promotional product are consumers likely to keep and use the longest? Drinkware! Nearly two-thirds (63%) of consumers would keep and use promotional drinkware for one year or longer. Promotional calendars and polo shirts came in second, with 62% saying they would keep and use them for one year or longer. - Outerwear is the Top Show-Off
Finally, which promotional products get the most impressions according to the 2023 Ad Impressions Study? Outerwear/fleeces, with 7,856 impressions. This is followed by headwear at 3,380 impressions.
Want to learn more about the value of promotional products and which products to choose for your target audience? Give us a call, and let’s talk about it!
How ImageSet Can Help
At ImageSet, we specialize in creating impactful and personalized promotional products. Our experts can assist you in choosing the right products that will leave a lasting impression on your target audience.
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