Did you know 43% of customers using two or more media channels to connect with brands were the most satisfied shoppers?
Marketers cannot live by print alone. That may sound strange coming from a company who prints all day and sometimes all night long. But as much as we love print, we love the results of print mixed with other media channels even more!
These days it’s not enough for consumers to interact with a single channel. Be it business or personal, they want to use multiple channels like direct mail, email, and social media to investigate, research, and compare before making a decision.
While most marketers see “every channel, everywhere” as the ultimate goal, implementing such programs is restricted by time, expertise, and budgets. But multi-channel marketing doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to be strategic. For more information, download our SMART FACTS TIP SHEET: Adding More Marketing Channels – 5 Easy Ways to Make it Work for You.
Source: The ForeSee Experience Index (FXI): 2013
Need help planning and executing your best strategy for multi-channel marketing?
Whether it be print, email, web or social media, ImageSet can help plan, create, produce, and track a winning campaign using the optimum mix of channels for your target audience. For more information call 713-869-7700.