Four Ways to Get More Scans on Your 2D Bar Codes

Four Ways to Get More Scans on Your 2D Bar Codes

Campaign developers should consider these four points when integrating a 2D bar code into a campaign.

1.    Motivate: The first step, obviously, is that you need to get the user to scan the 2D bar code.
2.    Mobilize: The destination of the 2D bar code must be suitable to phones, tablets and any mobile device.
3.    Monitor: Systems must be in place so marketers can understand the results of the promotion, and differentiate results from various channels and offers.
4.    Monetize: You must know how the 2D bar code generating results.

Each of these points, when taken into consideration while planning a campaign can make a huge difference. We have to remember that we want quality vs. quantity when it comes to targeting our audience. The purpose of the code is to provide a shortcut to a more enhanced dialogue between two parties.

I can’t tell you how many codes I have clicked on which simply dropped me off onto a website with no planned path for me to take. As the use of 2D bar codes become more common place, and more sophisticated, I think we will begin to see some very interesting trends in how we can automate and nurture the lead acquisition process. Stay tuned folks…this should get fun…

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