Campaign developers should consider these four points when integrating a 2D bar code into a campaign.
1. Motivate: The first step, obviously, is that you need to get the user to scan the 2D bar code.
2. Mobilize: The destination of the 2D bar code must be suitable to phones, tablets and any mobile device.
3. Monitor: Systems must be in place so marketers can understand the results of the promotion, and differentiate results from various channels and offers.
4. Monetize: You must know how the 2D bar code generating results.
Each of these points, when taken into consideration while planning a campaign can make a huge difference. We have to remember that we want quality vs. quantity when it comes to targeting our audience. The purpose of the code is to provide a shortcut to a more enhanced dialogue between two parties.
I can’t tell you how many codes I have clicked on which simply dropped me off onto a website with no planned path for me to take. As the use of 2D bar codes become more common place, and more sophisticated, I think we will begin to see some very interesting trends in how we can automate and nurture the lead acquisition process. Stay tuned folks…this should get fun…