The Post-COVID Print Bump
The COVID-19 pandemic reinforced something many of us already knew—how much we love direct mail. As the world locked...
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The Psychology Behind Personalization
Personalization is everywhere. From grocery store receipts to Amazon recommendations to direct mail pieces that arrive in the mailbox,...
Personalized Print: 5 Things to Watch
By personalizing your direct mail pieces, you can increase response rates and cart sizes, too. But if you’re new...
Direct Mail and Social Media: Better Together
Are you planning a multichannel marketing campaign? Automatically assuming you will be pairing direct mail with email? How about...
5 Tips for Expanding Your Mailing Reach
Are you looking to build or expand your mailing list? If so, you have more options than just buying...
Print Is a Fan Favorite: But Why?
Even in a world of interactive digital media, something irresistibly draws people into the tangible world of paper and...
Do You Know How Customers Really Feel About You?
Think you know how your customers feel about you? So do three-quarters of companies. Yet a survey by Zogby...
Do You Know These 5 Loyalty Behaviors?
If you want to know whether your customers are loyal, there are five places you can look. These behaviors,...
The 5-Year Reason Branded Promotional Products Are Hot
Did you know that more than half (57%) of people who own branded promotional items keep them for five...
Don’t Send Your Next Mailing Until You Read This
Getting ready to launch your next mailing campaign? Stop! Even if you’ve got the correct list, the right variables...
5 Insider Marketing Tips for Savvy Marketers
No matter what channel you are using—direct mail or signage, email or print advertising—a great headline grabs the reader...
What Is Lead Nurturing? Why Does It Matter?
When I started ImageSet 36 years ago, the options for growing sales were pretty much limited to cold calling,...
New Marketing Terms 101
You might notice that you’re hearing a lot of new marketing terms lately: engagement marketing, loyalty marketing, triggered and...
Great Marketing Plans Matter! What’s Yours?
You are looking ahead to a great marketing year in 2020. With so many tools at your disposal—new direct...
During Times of Uncertainty, Market Like a Leader
In today’s “new normal” created by the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be challenging to know how to strike the...
Don’t Let Paper Get Boring!
When ImageSet bought its first Indigo digital press in 2001, selecting a paper stock was easy. We only had...
Customer Focused and Service Driven
At a recent symposium I attended, I got into an interesting conversation with several industry peers. The topic was...
Personal Impressions = Big Impact
Ok, so I come from the generation who were taught “cursive writing” in school. I can vividly remember sitting...
5 Easy Ways to Make Multi-channel Marketing Work for You
Did you know 43% of customers using two or more media channels to connect with brands were the most...
Targeted. Relevant. Timely.
In recent years direct mail has gotten a bad rap. Anyone who has been around for any period of...
“Don’t build links. Build relationships.”
~Rand Fishkin -
New Evidence Shows Direct Mail is Making a Comeback!
Let’s face it: Direct mail marketing just doesn’t get the buzz that digital technologies like email and social media...
The Value of Print in a Digital World
“Anything that can become digital WILL become digital…” words spoken by Indigo founder, Benny Landa at the first Indigo...
“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.”
~Joe Chernov -
“I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”
~Thomas Jefferson -
Customer Service: The Art of Creating Happy Customers
Recently I took a business trip to the Carolinas. I chose to travel with my “regular airline” so that...
Form and Function: The Well Balanced Combination
We at ImageSet decided to update our website, we had a great reason to do so: new product information....
So, What’s New Besides the Year?
It happens every year. I start off with grandioso resolutions about how I will be more organized, manage my...
Imagination Newsletter Spring 2014
Imagination is ImageSet’s Trending Topics For Marketing Communicators newsletter. In this issue, we outline how we can help make...
How Not to be a Dime a Dozen Marketing Services Company.
There are a million companies that claim to be some form of a marketing services provider. Some of are...
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
~Albert Einstein -
New Production Capabilities
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’re probably aware that we rotate the penning of this column...
What is the “Rule of 7” and Why Should You Care?
Consistently acquiring new customers is an important goal for any company, but it’s not an easy goal to achieve....
Seven Rules of Good Design
Just as you need seven exposures for your marketing to be effective, I’ve listed seven easy rules to help...
ImageSet | Print • Mail • Marketing > Newsroom